Μέσω της σελίδας PSN Profiles αποκαλύφθηκαν τα trophies του επερχόμενου Battlefield 1. Το παιχνίδι περιλαμβάνει 32 trophies συνολικά, ένα platinum, έξι gold, εννιά silver και 16 bronze. Πρόκειται για τα λιγότερα trophies από οποιοδήποτε άλλο Battlefield game.
Δέκα από τα trophies αφορούν το multiplayer κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα στο campaign.
Δείτε αναλυτικά:
- World War One Hero: Obtain all trophies
- Support Enlistment: Reach Support Rank 2 in multiplayer
- Scout Enlistment: Reach Scout Rank 2 in multiplayer
- Medic Enlistment: Reach Medic Rank 2 in multiplayer
- Master of adaptation: Complete all challenges in the campaign
- Enough for a library: Collect all Field Manuals in the campaign
- Assault Enlistment: Reach Assault Rank 2 in multiplayer
- Triple Boluk-Bashi: Kill all 3 Ottoman officers in Young Men’s Work with melee kills in the campaign
- The War to End All Wars: Complete the campaign on Hard difficulty
- The hills of Gallipoli: Unlock all Codex Entries in The Runner
- Taking down giants: Unlock all Codex Entries in Friends in High Places
- Sound of thunder: Unlock all Codex Entries in Through Mud and Blood
- Putting in the effort: Complete 10 challenges in the campaign
- Decorated: Reach Rank 1 with all 4 Infantry classes in multiplayer
- Conquering the mountains: Unlock all Codex Entries in Avanti Savoia!
- All men dream: Unlock all Codex Entries in Nothing is Written
- Warbonds: Earn 450 Warbonds in multiplayer
- Up to the challenge: Complete one challenge in the campaign
- Up close and personal: Perform a melee kill on 10 enemies anywhere in the campaign
- Through Mud and Blood: Complete Through Mud and Blood
- The Runner: Complete The Runner
- The Great War: Complete the campaign on Normal difficulty
- Shock Wave: Kill 5 enemies by using dynamite in the campaign
- Play the Objective: Complete 25 Squad Orders in multiplayer
- Operations: Win 1 Operation in multiplayer
- Nothing is Written: Complete Nothing is Written
- Mightier than the shovel: Find the hidden Cavalry Sword and take down an enemy on the French countryside in the campaign
- Friends in High Places: Complete Friends in High Places
- Counter-sniper: Using a bolt action rifle, kill an enemy Scout in multiplayer
- Corporal: Reach Rank 10 in multiplayer
- Catching up on some reading: Collect one Field Manual in the campaign
- Avanti Savoia!: Complete Avanti Savoia!
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