Το Fallout 4 και το Skyrim Special Edition θα δεχτούν νέα patches αυτή την εβδομάδα, με το Fallout 4 να φέρνει ενισχυμένη υποστήριξη για το PS4 Pro.
Παρακάτω μπορείτε να δείτε τις αλλαγές που θα γίνουν στα δύο προαναφερθέντα παιχνίδια.
Fallout 4 1.9 update
- New Features
- Enhanced PS4 Pro Support
- Support for High Resolution Texture Pack (PC only)
- Added Featured category for mods
- Added ability to sort Highest Rated and Most Favorited filters by today, week, month and all time
- Added number of ratings count to Mods Browsing Menu
- Added number of favorites count to Mod Details page
- Added required dependencies to Mod Details page
- Added latest version number and notes to Mod Details page
- Fixes
- General performance and stability improvements
- Improvements to Reporting mods categories
- Fixed occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu
- Improved Bethesda.net error messaging
Skyrim Special Edition 1.4 update
- New Features
- Added Featured category for mods
- Added ability to sort Highest Rated and Most Favorited filters by today, week, month and all time
- Added number of ratings count to Mods Browsing Menu
- Added number of favorites count to Mod Details page
- Added required dependencies to Mod Details page
- Fixes
- General performance and stability improvements
- Improvements to Reporting mods categories
- Fixed occasional crashes while scrolling through Load Order menu
- Improved Bethesda.net error messaging
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